What is railcar and how it is changing with the developing cutting-edge technology?
If you've ever sat at a railroad crossing and watched the train go by, you've probably noticed how many different rail cars there are (and no, we're not talking about the graffiti). That's because the days of "one-size-fits-all" freight shipping are long gone, and rail yards are no exception. Every day, hundreds, if not thousands, of different types of cargo are transported, and many of them necessitate the use of specialized vehicles. While there are dozens of cars with unique designs, we'll go over the eight most common types used in rail freight shipping today. A boxcar will come to mind when you think of a train car. This is because boxcars are the gold standard of rail freight, constituting the majority of many trains. Boxcars have a solid roof and sliding doors in the center of each side, making palletized goods and other bulk items easy to load and unload. The following are examples of common boxcar freight: Consumer ...